
We Can Make Your Business Smarter and More Profitable

Advising on various aspects of Innovation and Energy in Middle East region,
particularly in Iraq including Kurdistan Region

Finding the best technological solution for every problem that any ME company facing through the value chain of E&P of O&G and Renewables by linking it with the exact innovative company in Norway among more than 300 companies in the Norwegian energy sector

If your company is experiencing challenges, we can solve it together using our ICA innovation toolbox

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Adnan A.M. Aqrawi is the Founder of Innergy Consultancy-Aqrawi (ICA) in April 2023, after an early retirement from Equinor. He obtained his BSc and MSc from University of Baghdad, Iraq, and his PhD and DIC from Imperial College-London, UK. Adnan has 40 years of International Experiences as Petroleum Geoscientist from Middle East, SE Asia, North Sea, and Gulf of Mexico.

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Find Technological Solutions
Assist Startups
Innovation Workshops
Support the O&G companies
Strategy Consulting
Training & Courses

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